
Not long ago, I reached a turning point in my life where I realized that what I was most passionate about was something I needed to devote my future work to: helping women realize their potential to build successful businesses and bring more security and fulfillment into their lives.
I designed my entire Awakening Worth curriculum around this goal. It was a goal inspired by my own personal journey. Let me tell you my story.
Like many of us, my childhood experiences had some defining moments, and what was drummed into me in childhood, set me up for a lifetime of “doing”. It wasn’t until a trusted mentor asked me a question that I will always remember:
Janet are you OK because you are productive or are you productive because you are OK?
It wasn’t until I was 40 years old, and preparing a keynote speech for an audience of 3,000 women, that I began to see that I was living my life in the prison of pretend; hiding behind perfectionism, giving away my power, and approval seeking. I assumed that others knew more, were more, and deserved more than I did. Ouch!!
Self-worth is fundamental to powering healthy and meaningful achievement, which is uniquely defined by each of us. I deeply acknowledge that and have created a way for women to discover their worth and bolster their confidence to achieve what’s most important to them.
I’ve refined my approach to help my clients break down the big picture into manageable, achievable steps, so it’s clearer and easier to accomplish big goals. I’m profoundly moved by every story and touched by so many amazing women who seek to create, serve and contribute more. Surrounding myself with this inspiring community of women has been the most fulfilling professional experience of my life and I can’t imagine doing anything else.
Janet is a certified John Maxwell Team coach as well as a mentor with On-Purpose Partners. She is an experienced corporate executive and direct sales top field leader. In 1987, her first direct sales role was with BeautiControl Cosmetics where she built a multimillion dollar team of women and became one of three top recruiters in the nation.
A varied background including being an elementary school teacher, Director of Flight Attendant Services and Training coupled with her direct selling experience positions Janet to help women build lives of purpose and impact.
To learn more about JDRF please visit JDRF.org